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Jules Marriner Books children's book author illustrator

children's book author illustrator about page

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For many years I worked as an illustrator, wishing I could see my own children's books in print. Then, an off-chance remark made me pluck up the courage to bring to life 'Vincent and the Vampires', my first book. Now, I am working on my eleventh.


See my AUTHOR VISITS page if you'd like to invite me to an event you are running, whether you are a school, library, or festival.


I work from home, in the cosy studio at the end of my wild garden, thinking about how I can make a story from the silly things that occur to me, or putting to paper a hare-brained scene from my imagination.

My best days are spent thinking up funny stories to write or illustrating the one I am currently working on. My inspiration comes from all places - my dogs might give me a look and I just know they're plotting something: from that a story might emerge.

I work in layers, either physical paper layers and collage, or digitally, building up colours and textures as I go. I photograph anything I think is cool that I can use to build up my illustrations. I love to draw people, animals, seascapes, plants and woodland.




© 2024
-Jules Marriner - -

Isle of Wight, United Kingdom

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